Everyone wants to be “top of Google”. Everyone.
There are no tricks. No secret sauce.
There are, however, solid search engine optimisations techniques and practices which Google publish openly regarding how page content should be presented to get the best results.
As Google’s machine learning becomes smarter and more human like in its understanding of web content so the importance of content grows.
Well written, relevant content, presented in a way that makes sense to users is key. That and ensuring that Google is fully aware of that content through sitemaps, meta data, navigation, Google My Business listings and more.
Whilst there are no short cuts, there is a lot of work to be done, but all the work contributes and the improvements are incremental.
We will fully audit your site and clean up anything which is holding you back (you’d be surprised what we often find from previous search engine optimisation “experts” who made extravagant promises to innocent businesses) and then we will implement best practices to ensure that your search results improve and your business grows organically.