Google have just made a big announcement about the big announcement they are going to make about AdWords on the 22nd April – and there are a bunch of predictions about what is likely to be included.
The one thing that we can be almost sure about is that it’s not going to be one big thing, but rather a number of changes and tweaks to the way in which AdWords works. some will be substantial in their own right, but might not impact much – others could be very small in terms of the changes, but massive in the way in which they affect campaigns.
Just for fun – and to see what others are thinking – I thought I would start a wish list – something Google could use as a reminder of the things that we would like to see in the announcement…. and I’m starting it off with my number one wish:
#1 – A base ad group bid independent of devices. If there is no device bid adjustment then this is the bid which is applied. However, I would like the option to bid for devices against this base bid for mobiles, tablets and desktops – independently. In the end there might be no bids using the base bid – mobiles might be bidding at 50%, tablets at 75% and desktops at 150%… but this would allow me to take complete control of my devices.
So that’s my wish… and now the floor is open…. what would YOU like Google to announce on the 22nd?